Influence of Entrepreneurial Innovation Management Skills Affecting the Success of Small and Medium Enterprises in Chiang Mai Province


  • Sakdanai Chaiwirat Master's Student, Master of Business Administration, Program Business Administration, Chiang Mai Rajabhat University
  • Phathranit Kitthitinan Lecturer, Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Management Sciences, Chiang Mai Rajabhat University
  • Sudarat Saengkeaw Lecturer, Department of Business Computers, Faculty of Management Sciences, Chiang Mai Rajabhat University


innovation management skills, the success of small and medium enterprises


The purposes of this research were to study the importance of innovation management skills, entrepreneur transformational leadership, and the success of small and medium enterprises in Chiang Mai province and to test the influence of innovation management skills and entrepreneur transformational leadership towards the success of small and medium enterprises in Chiang Mai. This research is quantitative research. Data collection was conducted with a questionnaire with 400 entrepreneurs of small and medium enterprises in Chiang Mai province. Data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics to find frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation. Also, inferential statistics, which is factor analysis, was analyzed for exploratory factor and multiple regression.

The results of the research revealed that most entrepreneurs were female, aged between 31 to 40 years old with a bachelor's degree. Most of them were from small businesses in a service sector with annual income, before deducting expenses, not exceeding 50 million baht, and having more than 5 years business operation as well as having a total number of 1-5 employees (including business owners).

The results of the study on innovation management skills found that entrepreneurs focused on the second factor (new processes). And the success of the enterprise, entrepreneurs focused on the achievement of business goals that had been set.

The results of testing the influence of innovation management skills of entrepreneurs found that there were 3 factors that had a positive influence. to the success of small and medium enterprises in Chiang Mai. Can be ranked in order of importance from the most to the least as follows: human capital development, new products, and finding new markets, which can forecast the trend of success of small and medium enterprises in Chiang Mai at 31.10 percent.


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