Guidelines for the Development of Quality Standard Factors of Cultural Tourism Attractions in Phuket Province


  • Thibdi Zehsaung Master’s Student, Management, Integrated Tourism and Hospitality Management, National Institute of Development Administration
  • Paithoon Monpanthong Lecturer, Management, Integrated Tourism and Hospitality Management, National Institute of Development Administration


cultural attractions, quality standards, intention to travel


The objectives of this research were 1) to explore cultural sites that have the potential to be upgraded to tourist attractions in Phuket. 2) to assess the quality standard of cultural attractions in Phuket 3) to study the factors of the quality standard of cultural attractions that influences the intentions of tourists and 4) to propose a guideline for the development of quality standard factors for cultural tourist attractions in Phuket. Objectives 1 and 2 are qualitative research by focus group activities. The sample groups are 1) a group of people involved in organizing cultural tourism in Phuket province and 2) a group of Generation Y tourists. For the objective 3, it is a quantitative research by using a questionnaire. There were 400 Thai tourists in the Generation Y group. For the objective 4 is the results of the study according to objectives 1-3 were analyzed and discussed. The data analyzed using descriptive statistics, including frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation, as well as inferential statistics, including Multiple Regression Analysis.

Qualitative research results found that the top 3 cultural resources that have the potential to be elevated to tourist destinations are all ancient cultural sites. When considering quality standards It was found that the overall tourist attractions have high quality standards. In addition, the quantitative research results of the analysis of the relationship of the quality standard factors of cultural tourist attractions that influence the overall intention of tourists to visit cultural tourist attractions in Phuket Province, It was found that the influential factor variables with statistical significance at the .05 level were 2 factors out of 7 factors. These include 1) factors of artistic and cultural value and 2) factors of potential and organization of activities. In this regard, guidelines for developing seven factors were proposed, consisting of 1) artistic and cultural value factors, 2) potential and activity factors, 3) management factors, 4) development factors from external factors, 5) conservation management factors, 6) factors. development of facilities and 7) communication factors.


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