Environmental Management and Marketing Strategy Planning from the Customer Perspective (4C): Case Study of Green Hotel Groups in the Bangkok Metropolitan Area


  • Rachanon Taweephol Lecturer, Hotel Management Department, Faculty of Management Science, Silpakorn University


environmental management, 4C marketing, green hotel


The objectives of this research aimed to: 1) study the environmental management context of green hotel groups;  2) study the examine the marketing strategy planning from the customer perspective (4C) in green hotel groups. It is qualitative research using the case study approach methodology. Data was collected through in-depth interviews. The key informants are a group of hotel managers or department heads actively involved in coordinating with the Department of Environmental Quality Promotion, totaling 20 people. The study's findings revealed that:                  1) environmental management in the hotel is divided into 7 aspects, namely  (1) Environmental Policy, which involves setting guidelines for practices aimed at controlling resources.  (2) Waste Management, which considers the waste separation process. (3) Water Management, which examines equipment used for water supply. (4) Noise Management, which involves reducing activities and creating less disturbance. (5) Energy Management, which includes designing alternative energy options. (6) Air Quality Management, which enhances natural environmental systems to help purify the air. And (7) Environmentally Friendly Products, which emphasizes the importance of the hotel's green procurement process; 2) the marketing strategy from the customer's perspective (4C) includes            1) Customer Value, which presents the physical features. 2.2) Customer Cost, which determines service rate conditions. 2.3) Customer Convenience, which involves providing more distribution channel options. 2.4) Customer Communication, which utilizes information to stimulate purchasing behavior.


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