The Factors of Product Design Elements and Perceived Packaging Attributes of Vermicompost on Consumer Satisfaction
online social media usage behavior, vermicompost, product package designAbstract
This research aimed to study: 1) the behavior of using social media in product consumption; 2) consumer perception of the attributes of well-designed packaging for vermicompost fertilizer; 3) consumer satisfaction with packaging design elements; and 4) test the influence of social media usage behavior on the decision to purchase vermicompost fertilizer products including the perception of good packaging design attributes affecting consumer satisfaction with packaging design elements. The researcher employed a multi-stage sampling approach to select a cohort of 400 individuals from Chiang Mai province and subsequently conducted an online survey with this group. The research findings were as follows: 1) The sample group primarily used TikTok for purchase decisions, with a purchase frequency of less than once per week and an average online purchase price of 500-1,000 THB per transaction; 2) Consumer perception of design attributes for vermicompost fertilizer packaging scored highly; 3) Consumer satisfaction with packaging design elements also had a high average score; and 4) Five variables, accounting for 81.90% of the variance, could predict consumer satisfaction with packaging design elements: aesthetics, safety, materials, product utility, and the average price of online products.
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