การวิเคราะห์อิทธิพลของปัจจัยจูงใจ ปัจจัยสุขอนามัย การสื่อสารภายในองค์กรและวัฒนธรรมองค์กรที่ส่งผลต่อแรงจูงใจของวิศวกรและนักบัญชี


  • ชัชชัย แจ่มจันทร์ สาขาวิชาการบริหารการพัฒนา มหาวิทยาลัยนอร์ท-เชียงใหม่
  • ปรีชา เจ็งเจริญ คณะรัฐศาสตร์และรัฐประศาสนศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม่
  • จักรพันธุ์ วงษ์บูรณาวาทย์ สำนักวิชาศิลปะศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยแม่ฟ้าหลวง


แรงจูงใจในการทำงาน, แรงจูงใจของพนักงาน, ทฤษฎีสองปัจจัย, motivation to work, employees' motivation, two factors' theory, enthusiastic


Abstract in Thai unavailable


An Analysis of the Influence of Motivation Factor, Hygiene Factor, Internal Communication and Corporate Culture on Engineers and Accountants

The research aimed to study 1) how motivation and hygiene factors related to the enthusiastic in workplace level 2) how the corporate culture factor and the internal communication in the organization related to the enthusiastic in workplace. and 3) what the optimal factor for applying to practical problem solving within organization. Samples were randomly selected from 636 workplace for 395 engineers and accountants who had their own working licenses. Questionnaires were applied to obtain the information under Likert scale. The content validity was 0.867 and the coefficient of Cronbach alpha were 0.992. Data were analyzed by statistical package for the average, standard deviation, correlation coefficient, multiple regression, and lower variable step.

The results showed that 1) the motivation factor and hygiene factor had positive relation towards the enthusiastic in workplace. 2) The corporate culture factor, the internal communication in organization factor, and the hygiene factor had high significantly relation to the enthusiastic in workplace at alpha = .001. as the two factors theory of Frederick Herzberg. As employees, enthusiastic caused by motivational, for instance, recognition, career advancement, hygiene, relationship form their subordinator, salary, marital status and job security. 3) hygiene factor, the corporate culture factor, and the internal communication in organization had significantly positive relationship to the enthusiastic in workplace at alpha= .001. Therefore, the forecast enthusiastic in workplace equations were :

Raw score is \inline \hat{Y}_{(Motivation)} = 1.257+0.615(Hygiene Factors)+0.310(Communication)-0.200(Corporate Culture).

Standardized score is \inline \hat{Z}_{(Motivation)}= 0.575(Hygiene Factors)+0.281(Communication)-0.214(Corporate Culture).

The internal communication in organization factor affected to the employees' behaviors, punctuality, inquiry, contribution, good relationship, and fairness. The corporate culture factor affected to the employees' behaviors, punctuality, inquiry and challenges. The motivation factor affected to employees' assertiveness, inquiry, and challenges. The hygiene factor affected to employees' positive attitude, punctuality, assertiveness, inquiry, challenges, good relationship, fairness, decisiveness, and accountability.
