Globalization of English Education: the Case of Eastern Asia University, Thailand

Globalization of English Education: the Case of Eastern Asia University, Thailand


  • David D. Perrodin Senior Lecturer, School of Liberal Arts, Eastern Asia University
  • Kulchalee Thupateme Assistant Dean, School of Liberal Arts, Eastern Asia University


English, international, globalization, higher education, Thailand




          English proficiency is a crucial component in fostering and improving efficiency in the global marketplace. Presently, educational institutions in Thailand are striving to produce internationally competitive professionals. Although the establishment of English education programs are thriving and are in constant demand among learners who have a desire to compete in the global arena, there is still a lack of innovation and individuality among the tertiary level learners. The preparedness of educational institutions in Thailand in meeting the challenges of globalizing English education programs to compete in a global marketplace was explored in this paper. Data generated for this descriptive analysis was derived from respondents who comprised of university undergraduate learners of Eastern Asia University, a midsize private higher education institution in Thailand. A set of questionnaires was given to learners, which provided useful information for comprehending the preparedness of the learners to meet the challenges of the global marketplace. Drawing upon leading research sources, it was found that the passive teaching and learning model has impeded the promotion of autonomous learners. The data also revealed that the lack of globalization in English education programs has led to a deficiency in the creation of globally competitive graduates.


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