Rigor and Relevance to 21st Century Learning A Reflection on Early Childhood Teaching

Rigor and Relevance to 21st Century Learning A Reflection on Early Childhood Teaching


  • Anna Lorraine Apurado Pulumbarit Student of Masters in Education Major in Educational Administration, Philippine Christian University Foreign Teacher, Ban Kun Nu Kindergarten and Metapaht Primary School


Bloom’s Taxonomy, Multiple Intelligences, Higher Order Thinking Skills, Lower Order Thinking Skills, Behaviorism


There are many theories that has been created in the field of Psychology and Applied Linguistics
to help the teachers in understanding the needs of the learners in order to have an effective teachinglearning process
and long term appreciation of what was taught. However, it is clear that the learning styles of the students also evolve
together with the ever changing modernization of the society. For us to be able to understand the accuracy and consistency
of these theories to the realschool set up in Nakhon Ratchasima, the experience of Pulumbarit as a teacher was unfold to give an
insight on how she was able to relate several theories which has been tested by time to the learners of
today. Her background to such studies and how it was used to kindergarten and primary school will make
us understand even more that educational theories are used not just because of the desire of the
teacher but must also consider the stakeholders where the theories will be applied.


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