Conceptual Framework for Explaining Politic Management
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This research article has the objective to explain the power actors and factors or elements of city related to create the well-living city where local governmental organizations are as a mechanism in accountability for public services. This study was through interpretative synthesis of the phenomenon occurring in fields and literature reviews by improving phenomenon to principles or concepts concluding to conceptual framework for city management.
It found that there are five significant factors or actors and practices. Firstly, the administration has to change from government to governance, the administrative processes should be focused on change management with integrated administration and network management by sharing vision of the city. Secondly, elites or politicians who have to be the city management agent should emphasize on professional public services. Third, citizens have to be the moral citizen and the citizenship relevant to other sectors. Fourth, relationship between central and local government, it can influence to local autonomy in power practice for public services in cities through regulating, controlling and auditing, public service standards, human resources and budget management. Lastly, social capital of cities, which has been powerful in the former, should be reinstated and reconstructed such as social institution and social value system.
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