Buddhist Temples : the Management of Leftover Meals

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ปัญญา เลิศไกร
นิลรัตน์ นวกิจไพทูรย์
ลัญจกร นิลกาญจน์



This study aims to 1) study the activity learning process about food’s tradition and 2) study the development’s process the activity management about food’s tradition pattern. It used the Qualitative Research such as lessons learned, analysis, and synthetic of the development about environment solving the problems. Then, the social movements of the Dharma group were applied.

The research result found that learning activity was results of wisdoms and taking learned lessons after practicing with the scholar monks of temple, trying to think and analysis by talking and chatting with knowers and experienced persons to ensure the process. Then, it was developed to an experiment including periodical evaluating. Thus, learning was based on the knowledge base and daily practice.

The activity pattern development process about food’s tradition of lesson learned and development found that the learning will be analysis of how to be self-management leading to do a small experiment and evaluation. Then, the results will lead to consult with knowledgeable people and experts, periodically. After that, the process will be developed and re-apply, thus, it is called “Spiral Model” for better improvement.

Overview, the Dharma group has learned academic guidelines combining with the idea that wisdom exists to create a management model based on its own (Self-directed learning). Taking trial and improve that the food including fresh and dried food and others were utilized cost-effectively and benefit for monks, students, and people around the community.

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