Education Resources Management ofEducation OpportunityExpansion Schools under Surat Thani PrimaryEducational Service Area Office 3
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The purposes of this research were; 1) to determine the state of educational resources management of the school administrators of opportunity expansion schools 2) to compare the educational resources management of the school administrators of opportunity expansion schools that are classified by educational background, working experiences and school size. 3) to determine the guidelines for educational resources management of the school administrators of opportunity expansion schools under Surat Thani Primary Educational Service Area Office 3. The subject of the study were220 teachers and 14 administrators under Surat Thani Primary Educational Service Area Office 3 by the Stratified random sampling and Purposive sampling techniques. The research instruments were questionnaire. The research instruments were questionnaire that reliability was .97 and interview. The data was analyzed by using Computer program to find out Mean, Standard Deviation and means were compared by using one way analysis of variance (One Way ANOVA) and content analysis.
The results revealed that 1) The educational resources management of the school administrators of opportunity expansion school under Surat Thani Primary Educational Service Area Office 3. It was totally a high level. When considering each aspect was found that the building resource management was the highest average. Secondly, budget resource management. Finally, the material resource management was the lowest. 2)A comparison the educational resources management of the school administrators of opportunity expansion schools under Surat Thani Primary Educational Service Area Office 3. According to the educational background was not significantly different. Working experience and school size were significantly different at the level of .05.3)The guidelines for educational resources management of the school administrators of opportunity expansion schools under Surat Thani Primary Educational Service Area Office 3 were the school should be plan for personnel recruiting both short term and long term. The school administrators always reveal the budget to teachers. Moreover, the school administrators should be storm sufficiently educational resources and it is necessary to promote technology for teaching and learning. Moreover, supporting teachers and student are good attitude to use educational resources efficiently.
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พุทธศักราช 2553. กรุงเทพฯ: กระทรวงศึกษาธิการ.
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