Blended Learning Approach for Increasing Learners’ Motivation and Participation: Case Study of Project Management Information Technology Course

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Supaporn Chai-Arayalert
Watsana Boonsawaeng
Pattaraporn Warintarawej
Wanida Saetang
Apirada Thadadech


The purpose was to 1) study the student learning achievement on the blended learning approach for Information Technology Project Management course; 2) evaluate levels of participation on the blended learning approach; 3) assess the students’ satisfaction towards the blended learning approach of the course. The research sampling group was 14 undergraduate students majoring in Information System at Faculty of Science and Industrial Technology, Prince of Songkla University who enrolled in the Information Technology Project Management course in academic year 2019. The research instruments included 1) teaching plan; 2) Learning Management System (ClassStart); 3) gamification; 4) pre- and post-tests; 5) behavioural observation form on the participation in the blended learning activities; and, 6) assessment form on students’ satisfaction towards the blended learning approach. The data analytical statistics were means, standard deviation and t-test. The findings reveal that 1) the evaluation on effectiveness of the blended learning approach is 79.16/80.00 resulted in the academic achievements of students after participated in the blended learning approach were better than before their participations in the statistical significance of 0.1; 2) the blended learning approach integrated with online game (Kahoot!) has motivational effects to the classroom as it could be seen from in-class participation at 97.62 %; 3) the integration of ClassStart exposes its effect on class attendance in which the percentage of on time is 92.86; and 4) the level of students’ satisfaction in the blended learning approach was high level

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