Moderating Role of Perceived University Support on the Relationship between Entrepreneurial Characteristics and Entrepreneurial Intention among Undergraduate Students in Southern Thailand
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The objectives of this research were to determine 1) the level of entrepreneurial intention among undergraduate students in Southern Thailand; 2) factors influencing entrepreneurial intention among undergraduate students in Southern Thailand; and 3) the moderating effects of perceived university support on the relationship between entrepreneurial characteristics (behavioral and psychological) and entrepreneurial intention. Five hundred surveys were provided to students selected to represent undergraduate students at southern universities. The author used descriptive statistics and hierarchical multiple regression. The findings indicated that pupils possessed a high level of entrepreneurial intent. The behavioral elements were slightly more prominent than the psychological components. Meanwhile, perceived university support was simply described as neutral. Additionally, entrepreneurial ambition was substantially influenced by subjected norm, perceived behavioral control, internal locus of control, innovativeness, and tolerance for achievement. Surprisingly, perceived university support had no effect on the correlations between independent and dependent variables that were moderated.
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