Roles and Duties of the Author

1. The author shall not submit an article that duplicates other publications whether it is a national or international conference, or other journals including not sending an original article that is still in the journal evaluation process to other journals.

2. The author shall not plagiarism causing the misunderstanding that it is your article, it shall be referred to in the case of citation.

3. The author shall emphasize the reference writing format and necessary, it shall not be overreferenced but specific reference.

4. The author shall not embellish or falsify information or create false information for writing the article to submit for publication.

5. The author shall specify a source of research funds, authors, or relevant persons.

6. In the case of revealing the mistakes affecting the conclusion of the submitted article, the author shall inform the editor immediately even if it is already published.

7. In the case of the research in human or experimental animals, the author shall attach the ethics certificate from the human or experimental animal research committee including the original article.


Roles and Duties of the Reviewer

1. The reviewer shall not reveal the article and confidential information to others until the journal evaluation process has been completed.

2. The reviewer shall not have a conflict of interest with the author who is in the journal evaluation process.

3. The reviewer shall review the specific article in the field of your expertise by considering the article content and shall not have a conflict of interest with the author who is in the journal evaluation process.

4. The reviewer shall not use the article or a part of the article content as your article.

5. In the case of revealing the redundancy of the article, the reviewer shall inform the editor immediately.


Roles and Duties of the Journal Editor

1. The editor shall consider the appropriateness of the content, concept, and consistency according to the journal policy, the new concepts based on the global ethics of publication, and the prevention of a conflict of interest.

2. In the case of revealing the fraud or plagiarism, the editor shall process the retraction clearly and provably including announcing the retraction to the reader and other database systems on the journal website.

3. The editor shall not have personal relationships or other interests affecting the work process of the author and the reviewer.

4. The editor shall detect the plagiarism conscientiously.

5. The editor shall not use the article or a part of the article content as your article.

6. The editor shall not publish an article that is already published in other journals.


Human Research Ethics

If there is research involving humans, researchers must attach a certificate of approval for the research project obtained from the Human Research Ethics Committee and specify the certification number or code in the article.