Behavior in Visiting and Tracking 3 Brand Websites : Lazada TH, Shopee TH and 11Street TH of the Population in Bangkok

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ดารุวรรณ์ พลาชัย


      The objective of this research was to study the behaviors of visiting and tracking three brand websites, Lazada TH, Shopee TH, and 11Street TH in Bangkok. In this research, the qualitative research was used as the research method. Data were collected through focus group discussion.

      The results of this research indicated that the reasons of visiting and tracking three websites were because they were famous, presented various kinds of products with cheap price and interesting promotion, production classification, regular product update, easy search for products, continuously attractive promotions, easy payment, and fast delivery. Key informants viewed and tracked these websites via their mobile phone because it was convenient, easy to carry, and fast. The most commonly visiting time was 06.00 p.m., which was after work time, or relaxing time without any concern. Apparel was the most visited and tracked product category. Consumers decided to place an order by themselves.

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