Factors Related to Corporate Loyalty of Practitioner Level Employees in Private Enterprise Organizations in Bangkok Metropolitan Region

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เดชพงศ์ โพธิสุวรรณ


      The objective of this study were study the job motivation level, expectation in job performance, corporate commitment and organizational loyalty of practitioner level employees in private enterprise organizations in Bangkok Metropolitan Region. And to analyze the relationship between job motivation, expectation in job performance, and corporate commitment to organizational loyalty of practitioner level employees in private enterprise organizations in Bangkok Metropolitan Region. The sample used in this study was practitioner level employees in private enterprise organizations in Bangkok Metropolitan Region using a simple random sampling including 4 provinces which are Bangkok, Pathumthani, Nakornpathom and Samutprakarn. The 400 questionnaires are used in collecting data.  Cronbach's Alpha method of content reliability was tested with 40 samples with a Cronbach alpha of 0.952. Statistical methods include the distribution of frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and the multiple regression analysis.

       The results of the hypotheses testing showed that the motivation in job performance, expectation in job performance, and the level of engagement related to corporate loyalty of practitioner level employees in private enterprise organizations in Bangkok Metropolitan Region at the statistical significant level of 0.05

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