Guidelines for Creating the Constructive Organizational Culture in Educational Management for Universities in the Rajabhat System in Bangkok

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สจีวรรณ ทรรพวสุ


      The objectives of this research were to examine and compare constructive organizational culture in educational management of universities in the Rajabhat system in Bangkok. The study examines the data based on gender, age, educational background and working experiences of lecturers of the universities. Moreover, it also aimed to establish guidelines for creating the constructive organizational culture in educational management for these universities. The research samples consisted of 175 lecturers in the Faculty of Education of the universities in the Rajabhat system as well as those in the Lecturer Training Colleges in Bangkok; however, 156 of which (accounting for 89.14 percent) answered a questionnaire. Apart from this, 5 experts were also interviewed. Data were collected via the use of a questionnaire and in-depth interviews. The collected data were analyzed with statistics including percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, F-test, and content analysis.

       The results revealed that: 1) The overall constructive organizational culture in educational management in these universities was rated at a high level and when considering at each dimension, every dimension was also rated at a high level.  These aspects, arranged in a descending order based on the mean scores, were achievement-orientation, humanistic-encouraging orientation, self-actualizing orientation, and affinitive orientation. 2) Opinion on the overall constructive organizational culture and on its each dimension of the respondents with different gender, age, educational background, and work experiences was not different. 3) In creating the constructive organizational culture in educational management for these universities, the process should start with the analysis and assessment of organizational culture, following by the determination of beliefs, values, practice guidelines, and codes of conduct; the development of a plan for creating and improving organizational culture, the implementation of the plan, the monitoring after the implementation, the revision of the developed plan, and the development of  the organizational culture.

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