Opinion on the Values Development in Public Sector of Personnel of the Sub-district Administration Organization, Muang District Udon Thani Province

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ละอองดาว นาทา


The research aimed to: 1) explore opinion on value development in the public sector based on the concept of the Public Section Development Commission of personnel of the Sub-District Administration Organization, Muang District, Udon Thani Province. According to the concept of the Public Sector Development; 2) compare how the opinion on this issue was different among personnel with different demographic background; and 3) examine problems and obstacles in the value development in the public sector as well as propose an approach for the value development. The research sample consisted of 186 officers, employees, temporary workers of the Sub-District Administration Organization, Muang District, Udon Thani Province. Data were collected with the use of open-ended questionnaire and analyzed with a computer software package. Statistics used to analyze the data included frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, and one way ANOVA with a .05 level of statistical significance.

The research findings showed that the overall opinion of the respondents on the value development in the public sector based on the concept of the Public Section Development Commission was at a moderate level. It was also found that there was no different on the opinion of this issue among personnel with different demographic background (i.e. gender, age, educational level, marital status, and work experiences). Moreover, the findings also indicated that in order to develop the values in the public sector, personnel should have an opportunity to develop themselves in terms of job competencies. Organization executives at all levels should utilize the competency development as a tool for human resource management. Specifically, they should use it in selecting and recruiting people, maintaining them, and develop them so that they would be equipped with proper knowledge, abilities, and certain characteristics that were appropriate with their job positions. Through the implementation of the competency development, all personnel could perform their work as they were expected to do. Furthermore, the executives should also promote good governance within the organization.

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