The Effects of the Murdorch Integrated Approach (MIA) on the Development of English Reading Abilities of the 10th Grade Students
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The objectives of this research were to: 1) investigate the development of Mattayomsuksa 4 students’ English reading abilities through a Murdorch Integrated Approach (MIA); 2) study the students’ self-evaluation on their own English reading abilities; and 3) study the teacher’s observation on students’ English reading abilities. The sample of this study was 50 Mattayomsuksa 4 students of Debsirin School enrolling in the English Reading-Writing course in the academic year 2015. The one group pretest-posttest design was used in the experiment. The sample was randomly selected from the English Reading-Writing classes and only one class was selected. The instruments used in this study were eight lesson plans for English reading, the English reading ability test, students’ self-evaluation form, and teacher’s observation form. The data were statistically analyzed by the mean, the standard deviation and the t-test for dependent samples.
The findings revealed that: 1) The students’ English reading abilities taught through the Murdorch Integrated Approach to the Teaching of Reading were higher at a .05 level of statistical significance; 2). The students’ self-evaluation scores on their own reading ability improvement was at a fair (level = 3.24, S.D. = 0.97); and 3) Through the implementation of the Murdorch Integrated Approach to the Teaching of Reading, the students’ reading abilities were fairly improved (
= 3.01, S.D. = 0.92).
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