The Development of a Model for Student Smoking Behavior Modification : A case study of Phranakhon Rajabhat University

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โสภณา จิรวงศ์นุสรณ์


This research aimed to develop and assess the efficiency of a model used to modify student smoking behavior. It employed a mixed research methodology together with a participatory action research. The research was divided into 2 phases: the synthesis of a model for modifying student smoking behavior phase and the development, experiment and efficiency assessment of the model experiment phase. The model was developed based on the Behavioral Change Theory. The research sample consisted of 38 students of Phranakhon Rajabhat University, selected according to the pre-determined criteria. These students had had habitual smoking behaviors and were in the stage of hesitation on behavioral change. After developing the model, ax experiment was conducted for a period of 12 weeks, and it was followed by a follow-up period of 4 weeks. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and paired samples t-test. The research results revealed that: 1) the smoking behavior modification model consisted of 12  activities;  and 2) the experiment and results and efficiency assessment  of the model showed that: 2.1)the average scores on the balance of a decision for smoking behavior modification were higher, with a .01 level of statistical significance (p-value <0.05);  2.2)the average scores on the self-efficacy perception for smoking behavior modification were higher, with a .01 level of  statistical significance (p-value <0.05);  2.3) 22 students had changed their smoking habits from having no interest in changing their behavior to starting to change their behavior, accounting for 57.9 percent; 2.4) the average scores on the smoking behavior were lower at a .01 level of statistical significance (p-value <0.05); and  2.5) the satisfaction on the developed smoking behavior modification model was at the highest level (gif.latex?\bar{X}= 4.65).

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