The Competency of Sub-district Officers in Sub-district Administrative Organization Nongkhai Province

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วลัยลักษณ์ ไพรสณฑ์


This research was aimed to study performance levels of employees at sub-district administrative organizations in Nongkhai province, and to compare the performance of employees at those sub-district administrative organizations, classified by gender, age, education, and length of service. Samples were 320 employees working at those organizations in Nongkhai province. Data were collected using questionnaire technique, and further analyzed with SPSS for Windows. Statistical analysis tools in use included frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation as well as Independent T-test and F-test variance analysis.

Results revealed the following:

  1. Operative performance of those employee at sub-district administrative organizations in Nong Khai province was found to be at high level. Performance levels ranked in descending order were teamwork, occupational expertise, ethical and moral commitment, result orientation, and proper services.

  2. Results from comparison of operative performance of employees at sub-district administrative organizations in Nongkhai province classified by gender, age, education and length of service revealed no difference.

  3. Some recommendations were given by employees at sub-district administrative organizations in Nongkhai province. Recommendations from those respondents were to arrange for up-rank examination for their progress, to grant rewards to improve their morale, to appoint them as delegates in certain academic activities, to provide some skill development training courses, to initiate some skill exchange programs with other units and establish a permanent library for them to study further, to assure their legal and ethical operations, to assign some challenging jobs for them, to willingly provide services, to develop regular skill training programs for them, to assure equality in their workplace, and to work together as a team, not a leader.


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