Corruption Prevention Practices in Supply Management of Sub-district Administrative Organizations in Sakhrai District of Nonkhai Province

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ไปรยา นันทะมีชัย
ดร.ปวิช เฉลิมวัฒน์


The objectives of this research were (1) to study corruption prevention practices in supply management of sub-district administrative organizations in Sakhrai district of Nonkhai province, and 2) to compare corruption prevention practices in supply management of sub-district administrative organizations in Sakhrai district of Nonkhai province classified by gender, age, education, and income. Samples were 148 respondents, who were officials, and permanent and temporary employees in sub-district administrative organizations in Sakhrai district of Nongkhai province. Questionnaire technique was used in collecting data, and simple random sampling was used in determining samples. Statistical analysis tools in use included percentage, mean, standard deviation, comparison of differences using T-test and F-test, and pairwise multiple comparison using the Least Significant Difference technique.

Results revealed the following:

  1. Results from comparisons of those with different ages and income levels indicated that corruption prevention practices were not different in general at significance level of 0.05, while those with differences in gender and education had different corruption prevention practices in general with significance level of 0.05.

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Research Article


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