attitudes of local residents in Doi Maesalong towards tourism development

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นวรัตน์ ยิ่งยวด


The objective of this research was to examine attitudes of local residents in Doi Maesalong towards tourism development in their community. It employed a qualitative research methodology. Data were collected from 33 local people, 17 of which had an occupation related to tourism business, and the rest were the local people whose occupation did not involve tourism business.  They were selected by convenient sampling and snowball sampling. A combination of semi-structured interview, focus group and participant observation was used to collect the data. Data were then analyzed by thematic analysis. The research found that the attitudes of both groups of the respondents were similar in an aspect of cognitive dimension. Specifically, they believed that tourism had generated jobs and more income for the local residents, and led people in the community to enjoy better quality of living. As for the affective dimension, it was found that both groups had positive attitudes towards tourism development in their community and wanted more tourism development and tourists. In terms of behavioral dimension, the local people were willing to work together in conserving their local culture, ways of life and environment for the purpose of tourism development.

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