The Development of Multimedia Lessons on Subject of Chinese in Daily Life for Chandrakasem Rajabhat University Students

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มนตรี ดีโนนโพธิ์
นริศรา เพชรฤทธิ์
อาทิตยา ผิวดำ


The objectives of this research were to:  1) develop of an efficient multimedia lesson on Chinese in Daily Life based on the criteria of 80/80 which would be used for the students of Chandrakasem Rajabhat University; and 2) evaluate student achievement on this subject after studying with the developed multimedia lesion. The sample of this research consisted of 30 regular students of Chandrakasem Rajabhat University who enrolled in GETL1101 Chinese in Daily Life subject in the first semester of the academic year 2018. They were selected by simple random sampling. The research instruments were the developed multimedia lesson on subject of Chinese in Daily Life, an evaluation form, and a learning achievement test. The data were analyzed by mean, standard deviation, and t-test. 

The research results showed that : 1) the efficiency of the developed multimedia lesson was at a very high level ( gif.latex?\bar{x}= 4.75); the efficiency score was 83.30/ 81.56 which was consistent with the set standard; and 2) students achievement scores of this subject were significantly higher than the pretest score, with at .05 level of statistical significance which was consistent with the research hypothesis.

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