Management of Community-Based Tourism: A Case of Baan Chak Ngaeo Chinese Market, Bang Lamung District, Chonburi Province

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Chawalee N Talang
Pakamas Chairatana
Krirkkit Chairatana


           The objectives of this research were to: 1) study the potentials of tourism management in an old Chinese community in Bang Lamung District, Chonburi Province called Chak Ngaeo; and 2) develop a way to promote community-based tourism in this community. This research employed a qualitative methodology. Data were collected via in-depth interviews with 10 key informants consisting of five government officials, 10 shop owners, and 5 committees in the community.  Data were organized, summarized and analyzed based on main points found from interviews transcripts. Triangulation was used to cross-check the data.  

          The research findings reveal that the tourism in Chak Ngaeo community can satisfy tourists’ requirements.  Most of tourists visit the village for recreation. The local market in the community opens only one day a week on Saturdays.  The market is outstanding in terms of decoration, dressing style of locals, food and beverage on sales, wooden houses and other local culture. Apart from the local market, there is the ‘Chao Mae Thapthim Shrine’ which is a sacred place where many tourists come to pay respect and ask for blessing. There was an annual festival called the Moon Festival which has been celebrated since the ancient time. The community has allowed tourists to visit and experience local ways of life. Tourists are impressed by local uniqueness of the community. The community needs to preserve and maintain such uniqueness. In addition, it was found that tourism also plays a role in the development of quality of life and economic of people in the community as it has generated revenues for local people from selling products including souvenirs and foods and drinks. The local people participate in the management of the areas such as determining specific areas for tourism activities such as shops, resting points for tourists, parking space, toilets and information centers. They also provide safety measures and other tourism facilities for tourists. These things attract more tourists to visit the community and make the local market stay with the community forever.

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