Managerial Factors Affecting Competency Development of Teachers in The 21st Century in Primary Islamic Schools

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Kwanchanok Boonnak
Assistant Professor Dr.Sansanee Jasuwan


             The objectives of of this research were to study the level of managerial factors affecting competency development of teachers in the 21 century in primary Islamic schools, the competency level of these teachers, and managerial factors that affected the competency development of the teachers. The sample consisted of 314 respondents. Data were collected with the use of a questionnaire which had a reliability coefficient of 0.95. All 314 completed copies of questionnaire were returned. Data were analyzed with frequency, percentage, standard deviation and stepwise regression analysis.

              The results showed that: 1) the managerial factors affecting competency development of teachers in the 21 century in primary Islamic schools were rated at a high level in overall, and when considering at each aspect, all aspects were also rated at a high level as well, especially personnel, structure and leadership. The aspect which had the least mean score was process; 2) the competency level of the teachers were rated at a high level in overall, and all aspects were also rated at a high level, especially student development which had the highest mean score; this aspect was followed by class management, relationship development and collaboration with a local community for the purpose of learning management, leadership, analysis and synthesis, respectively. The aspect that had the least mean score was research for student development; and 3) factors influencing competency development of the teachers included strategies (X5), process (X4), and personnel (X3).

                      Regression equation or predictive equation in raw scores = 1.996+.226X5+.188X4 + .122 X3

Regression equation in standard score y =.336Z5 + .250 Z4+ .188 Z3

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Research Article


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