Development of Human Resources in Hotel Business: A case study of hotel staff’s personal development through online courses

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Sirirat Chobkhay


             The objectives of this study were to examine: 1) the hotel staff’ needs for personal development through online courses; and 2) how these hotel staff conduct online self-study. This study was a quantitative research. The sample consisted of 172 hotel staff of 4-star hotels or hotels with a higher rate who graduated with a bachelor’s degree or had lower educational level than an undergraduate level. Data were collected through a questionnaire (Google Form) and analyzed with descriptive statistics including frequency and percentage.

             The findings indicated that a majority of the respondents were female, whose ages ranged from 21-30, earned around 9,000 – 15,000 Baht per month, and graduated from high schools or vocational schools or other equivalent educational level. Most of them worked in  food and beverage department of the hotel. Most of the respondents had perception and a desire for personal development by attending online classes. They agreed to register in courses that: required them to study 45 hours; allowed them to accumulate credits no longer than 8 years; costed no more than 800 Baht per credit or 2,500 Bath per module. They also would like to study through video clips or real-time classes. Moreover, they agreed with the idea that allowed students registering in a practicum course or a cooperative study course to do internship at a hotel where they were working at that time. They also wanted a responsible educational institution to establish a regional examination center for students so that students could take an academic achievement test. In addition, most of the respondents suggested that the online courses should be developed, and only e-learning should be used as a teaching method. Besides, their working experiences should be counted as credits in practicum courses.

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