Development of local woven fabric products of Ban Chokchai Phatthana, Klong Lan subdistrict as the souvenir products for the promotion of tourism in Khlong Lan District, Khampangphet Province
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The objectives of this study were to: 1) investigate state, problems and needs for the development of souvenir products from local woven fabrics of local people in Ban Chokchai Phatthana, Klong Lan Subdistrict, Klong Lan District, Kamphaengphet Province; 2) develop souvenir products from the local woven fabrics; and 3) assess these souvenir products. The research instruments consisted of a questionnaire, small group discussions and a satisfaction assessment form. Data were gathered from members of the local woven fabrics club of Ban Chokchai Phatthana. Data were then analyzed by using frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and content analysis. The findings revealed that: 1) the majority members of the local woven fabrics club had been weaving for 5 years or more; these woven fabrics were mostly loincloth and silk which were still in their original forms without being processed into other forms of products; the problems that these members faced were: (1) financial-related problems; (2) problems related to the processing of woven fabrics; and (3) production-related problems; as for the needs for product development, they were rated at a high level in overall; the types of the products that the members would like to produce were lady handbags and lady clothes; (2) as for the development of souvenir products from the local fabric, it was found that the members cooperated in the development of the souvenirs in 3 types which were lady handbags, lady clothes and scarves; and (3) in terms of the assessment of the souvenir products, most consumers and entrepreneurs wanted the products in a form of lady handbags the most, followed by lady clothes and scarves, respectively. When considering at each aspect of the product, it was found for the lady handbags and lady clothing, their utility was found to have the highest satisfaction score whereas for the scarves, beautiful and unique colors as well as soft and comfort texture was rated the highest.
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