The Causal Relationship Model of the Influence of External Environment, Agility, and Strategies and the Effectiveness of Resale Real Estate Entrepreneurs in Thailand

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Sajeethip Thavilwang
Dr.Naris Penpokai


The purposes of this study were to examine the causal relationship model between the factors including external environment, agility, and strategies and the effectiveness of the resale real estate entrepreneurs in Thailand, and to investigate the conformation between the mentioned causal relationship model, developed based on theories and previous studies, and the empirical data Data were collected from 244 resale real estate entrepreneurs in Thailand with the use of the Likert’s 5-scales questionnaire. The reliability of the data was at 0.818, and the validity of the data met with the criteria. The findings of this study were concluded that the factors including external environment, agility, and strategies used by the entrepreneurs had an effect on their effectiveness, with statistical significance, and and their Path Coefficient were at 0.474, 0.360, and 0.190, respectively.  In addition, it was also found that the developed model conformed with the empirical data. Their Goodness of Fit Indexes showed that x2= 55.96, df = 56, x2/df  = 0.999,  P-value = 0.476, RMSEA = 0.000, GFI = 0.966, and AGFI = 0.944. This explains that all the values met the conformation criteria. The study also showed that R2 = 41.60 which means that all the factors could mutually predict the variance of the effectiveness by 41.60. 

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