Guidelines for the Development of the Courts of Justice Under the Office of the Courts of Justice, Region Xii towards an Innovative Organization

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Supaporn Lhaosrirattana
Hansa Klaychanpong
Pongsan Tanyong


This research aimed to study: 1) level of transformational leadership, knowledge management, organizational culture and innovative organization of the Courts of Justice under the Office of the Courts of Justice, Region XII; 2) the influence of transformational leadership, knowledge management and organizational culture on becoming an innovative organization of the Courts of Justice under the Office of the Courts of Justice, Region XII; and 3) guidelines for the development of the Courts of Justice under the Office of the Courts of Justice, Region XII towards the innovative organization. This research used a mixed research methodology. The sample consisted of 270 personnel of the Court of Justice under the Office of the Court of Justice, Region XII. They were selected via stratified random sampling. The research instrument was a questionnaire developed by the researcher and checked for content validity and reliability. The statistics used for data analysis consisted of percentage, mean, standard deviation, correlation coefficient and multiple regression analysis. As for the qualitative research part, data were collected through in-depth interviews with 5 informants, selected via purposive sampling. Data were analyzed by content analysis. The research findings showed that: 1) In overall, organizational culture was rated at the highest level whereas transformational leadership, knowledge management and innovative organization were at a high level; 2) factors influencing becoming the innovative organization of the Courts of Justice under the Office of the Courts of Justice, Region XII consisted of knowledge management, organizational culture and transformational leadership; 3) as for the guidelines for the development of the Courts of Justice under the Office of the Courts of Justice, Region XII towards the innovative organization, it suggested that leaders should promote learning atmosphere and creativity within the organization, support subordinates, promote systematic knowledge management, understand innovation processes and encourage collaboration and teamwork.

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