Problems and Solutions for Problems Concerning the Delays in Delivery of the Construction Projects: The Case study of the Sun Construction Co.,Ltd.

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Whutivit Rachamanee
Nongnapad Kaewploy


The objectives of this research were to study casual factors of the problem concerning the delays in the delivery of the construction projects of the Sun Construction Co.,Ltd. and to find solutions for such delays. The data were gathered from working planning, financial reports, and 75 personnel of the Sun Construction Co.,Ltd. A questionnaire consisting of 61 items was used to collect the data from the sample. The statistics used for data analysis included percentage, mean, and Likert’s scale analysis. The research results showed that the factors causing the delays in the delivery of the construction projects were: 1) workers’ poor performance which caused by dissatisfaction in remuneration (22.67 percent of the workers had received wages which were less than the standard), lack of understanding in the company’s human resource management in terms of their career path (most workers did not have a knowledge of their career path), lack of proper guidance from supervisors, and lack of continuous performance monitoring; 2) inappropriate working periods as it was found that the contracts were often signed during the rainy season. These two causes represented the foundation of the problem as they served as the first steps in the construction process which would lead to poor implementation of the plan and the delays of the works.

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