Factors Affecting Buying Behavior in Pre-ordering Products from People's Republic of China of Customers in Bangkok and the Metropolitan Areas
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This research aimed to: 1) study demographic factors and consumer buying behavior in pre-ordering products from People's Republic of China; and 2) examine the marketing mix factors affecting consumer buying behavior in pre-ordering products from People's Republic of China. This research employed a quantitative research approach. The sample group of this study consisted of 400 consumers who used to buy pre-ordering products from People's Republic of China and lived in Bangkok and the metropolitan areas. They were selected using convenience sampling. The data were gathered with the use of a questionnaire, and analyzed by using mean, standard deviation, T-test, F-test and Pearson correlation coefficient. The findings revealed that the marketing mix factors (7Ps) consisting of product, price, place, promotion, people, physical evidence and process were rated at a high level. The results of a hypothesis test revealed that: 1) the demographic factors consisting of age, occupation and average monthly income had an influence on consumer buying behavior in pre-ordering products in the aspect of purchasing cost at a 0.05 level of statistical significance; and 2) the overall marketing mix and each factor of the market mix had a relationship with consumer buying behavior in pre-ordering products from People's Republic of China in terms of the purchasing frequency and purchasing cost at a 0.01 level of statistical significance.
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