Marketing Mix Factors Affecting Clean Food Consumption Behavior of People Living in Bangkok and the Metropolitan Areas

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Kulpatsorn Mankhatithamt
Thanasuwit Thabhiranrak


This research aimed to: 1) study demographic factors and clean food consumption behavior of people in Bangkok and the metropolitan areas; and 2) examine marketing mix factors and clean food consumption behavior of people in Bangkok and the metropolitan areas. This research was a quantitative research. The sample group of this study was 400 clean food consumers living in Bangkok and the metropolitan areas They were selected by using the convenience sampling. The data were gathered with the use of a questionnaire, and analyzed by mean, standard deviation, T-test, F-test and Pearson correlation coefficient. The findings revealed that the marketing mix factors (7Ps) consisting of product, price, place, promotion, people, process and physical evidence were rated at a high level. The results of a hypothesis test revealed that: 1) the demographic factors including age, educational level, occupation and average monthly income had an influence on clean food consumption behavior at 0.01 and 0.05 level of statistical significance; and 2) promotion had a relationship with clean food consumption behavior in terms of frequency of dining and cost of purchasing food at the 0.01 level of statistical significance. In addition, physical evidence was also found to have a relationship with clean food consumption behavior in terms of the cost of purchasing food at the 0.01 level of statistical significance.

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