Guideline for Tourism Development for Solo Travelers in Thailand

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Auttakrit Junthorn
Phukrirk Buasorn
Justin Kaewnopparat


        The main aim of this study was to investigate the behaviors, expectations, and satisfaction levels of solo travelers in Thailand. The objective was to create a comprehensive guideline for the advancement of tourism specifically tailored to this group of travelers. The research involved gathering data from 400 solo travelers, comprising both Thai and foreign individuals. A questionnaire was utilized as the primary data collection instrument, and the gathered information was analyzed using various descriptive statistical measures such as percentages, frequencies, means, and standard deviations. In addition, inferential statistical methods including t-tests, ANOVA, and Pearson's correlation coefficient were employed to test hypotheses. The findings of the study indicated that a significant portion of solo travelers chose to stay in Thailand for durations ranging from one to five days, with a budget ranging from 20,001 to 30,001 baht (637 - 956 USD). These travelers primarily obtained their information through online social media platforms and held the highest expectations for tourist attractions, services, safety and security, as well as facilities. Moreover, the respondents reported the highest levels of satisfaction with tourist attractions and services. The results from hypothesis testing revealed that satisfaction levels varied among solo travelers based on their duration of stay and their inclination to visit Thailand. Furthermore, the study identified a statistically significant relationship between tourists' expectations and their satisfaction.

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