Agile Leadership among the Management Teams of School Under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office, Bangkok Area 2

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Apiwat Makphol
Urai Suthiyam


            The research aimed to achieve two primary objectives: 1) investigate the level of Agile leadership among the management teams of schools under the supervision of the Secondary Educational Service Area Office, Bangkok Area 2, and 2) compare the level of Agile leadership across these management teams based on their educational level, working experience, and school size. This survey-based study involved a sample of 365 teachers from the aforementioned schools. The sample size was determined using Cohen's formulated table. The respondents were selected using a combination of stratified sampling, random sampling, and proportional sampling techniques. Data were collected through a questionnaire with a high reliability coefficient of .987. Statistical analysis involved the use of various measures, including percentages, means, standard deviations, t-tests, One-way ANOVA, and pairwise mean comparisons using Scheffe's Method. The research findings revealed two key outcomes. Firstly, the respondents demonstrated a high level of Agile leadership. Secondly, significant variations in Agile leadership levels were observed among teachers with different educational backgrounds, work experiences, and schools of varying sizes. These differences were evident both in the overall measure of Agile leadership and across individual aspects. The statistical significance of these variations was established at a level of .05.

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