The Influences of Demographic Characteristics and Job Satisfaction on the Organizational Commitment of Employees in a Commercial Bank in Bangkok and Its Metropolitan Areas

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Rapeephant Chartlertyose


The objective of this research were to study the influences of demographic characteristics and work satisfaction on organizational commitment in a commercial bank in Bangkok and its metropolitan areas. The sample consisted of 300 operation-level staff of the commercial bank. They were selected via convenient sapling technique. Data were collected with the use of a questionnaire and analyzed with descriptive statistics including percentage, mean and standard deviation. Moreover, t-test was used in the comparison of two groups of samples and F- test or (One-way ANOVA) was employed in the case of three group comparison. Multiple regression analysis was employed. The research results indicated that most respondents were female, aged between 31 and 50 years, single, obtained bachelor’s degree, had work experiences of 10 years or more, had the position of assistant managers and earned more than 35,000 baht.  Additionally, different demographic factors including gender and marital status were found to have no significant influence on the organizational commitment with the organization. However, other demographic factors including age, education level, work experience, job position and income had not influence on this factor. In terms of job satisfaction, the aspects of benefits, welfare, supervisors and colleagues were found to have an influence on the organizational commitment with a statistical significance level of 0.05 whereas job characteristics had no influence.

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