Development of Computer-Assisted Lesson in Thai Language Subject on the Topic of Principles of Thai Language Usage for Grade-Sixth Students at Wat Chaeng Lam Hin School (Poonrat Upatham), Lam Luk Ka District, Pathum Thani Province

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Ntapat Worapongpat
Chatchawanan Cantarakhun
Jirawadee Laoin
Porntip Khunnatam
Manatchanok Yuwadee


The objectives of this article were to: 1) develop computer-assisted lesson in Thai language course on the topic of principles of Thai language usage for grade-sixth students at Wat Chaeng Lam Hin School (Poonrat Upatham), Lam Luk Ka District, Pathum Thani Province ; 2) compare students’ learning achievement before and after learning via the developed computer-assisted lesson, with the predetermined goal of 70 percent of the total score; and 3) examine the students' satisfaction towards the developed computer-assisted lesson. The research tools included: 1) computer-assisted lesson on the topic of principles of Thai language usage for grade-sixth students consisting of five chapters: Chapter 1: word formation using information words, compound words, repetitions, synonyms, and synonyms; Chapter 2: analysis of the types and functions of words in sentences; Chapter 3: analysis of differences in spoken language and written language; Chapter 4: Composing Kapyani Verse 11; and Chapter 5: Dialects; 2) pre-test and post-test of each chapter; and (3) a questionnaire on students’ satisfaction towards the computer-assisted lesson which consisted of 10 items. pre-test (consisting 20 items) and post-test (consisting of 20 items). The results showed that: 1) the computer-assisted lesson which was developed by the researchers had the overall efficiency E1/E2 = 81.68/82.70, which met the assumption of the 80/80 criterion; 2) the students’ achievement after learning with the computer-assisted lesson was higher than that before using the less, at a 0.05 level of the statistical significance; and 3) the students’ satisfaction level with the computer-assisted lesson was at a good level, and their opinion on the interest of the content and their satisfaction were at a good level. This was followed by the aspect of the content which was clear, easy to understand, and enjoyable which was also at a good level.


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