The Potential of Homestay in Tourism Promotion of the Waokaew Community Hang Chat District, Lampang Province

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Daoduean Inteacha
Suttisak Sawangsak
Pimpisa Chanmanee


The research aimed to assess the tourism-promoting potential of homestays in the Wo Kaeo community, located in the Hang Chat District of Lampang Province. A quantitative research approach was adopted, employing random sampling to obtain a sample of 270 homestay-using tourists. Data collection involved the use of a questionnaire, and analysis was conducted using descriptive statistics such as percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The findings indicated that, according to the respondents, homestays exhibited high potential in promoting tourism. The location of the homestays, which offered proximity to natural surroundings for relaxation, garnered the most positive feedback from tourists. This was followed by the friendliness and hospitality of the homestay owners.

The analysis of the respondents' feedback regarding homestays revealed a generally high level of satisfaction. Among the various aspects examined, the highest satisfaction was observed in accommodation, which was praised for its privacy, well-equipped amenities including bedding, cleanliness, and provision of a relaxing area. Following closely was the satisfaction with tourist attractions, which were described as being in excellent condition and offering diverse options. The transportation system was deemed convenient, with a well-developed network of public transportation. In terms of safety and security, the area was considered safe. Lastly, there was an abundance of restaurants available to cater to the culinary preferences of the tourists.

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