The development of an activity-based learning management process WPCES along with visual arts learning activity set: Hooppatid Tai Lom with scraps of local materials creatively for enhancing the key competencies for Grade 6 students. Bansakngoi Municipality School, Division of Education, ministry of interior.
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The objective of this research was to investigate the current situation, identify challenges, and determine the requirements for augmenting crucial competencies among students. Additionally, the study aimed to develop a collaborative learning process incorporating WPCES activities in conjunction with cultural art activity sets. This investigation scrutinized the effectiveness of enhancing key competencies in Grade 6elementary school students through the creation and assessment of collaborative learning processes involving WPCES activities and cultural art activity sets. The sample groups were categorized based on the research objectives: (1) 21 teachers and administrators from the 2021 academic year, alongside 50 parents and students selected through simple random sampling. (2) 15 experts were also involved. (3) 24 Grade 6 students from the 2022 academic year were selected using cluster sampling. (4) Grade 6 parents and students from the 2022 academic year (24 per group) were chosen through cluster sampling of Grade 6 students and parents. The reporting teacher was responsible for instructing the art subject and overseeing the innovative learning management process, which included developing learning management plans focused on the topic of "Creativity with Local Materials." Data collection tools encompassed competency assessment forms, interviews, questionnaires, tests, behavior assessments, and work performance evaluations. Content analysis, employing measures such as means, standard deviations, frequencies, percentages, and developmental comparisons, was employed to scrutinize the data. The research findings were as follows: 1) Both students and teachers expressed a strong desire for enhancing critical competencies through a learning management process involving active student participation in collaborative activities. Evaluation and assessment were centered on tasks and outcomes derived from these activities. The learning management process that garnered the highest demand pertained to students' ability to produce work of professional caliber. The teacher facilitated ongoing thought and practical application, enabling students to collaboratively design works with their peers and actively engage in hands-on learning; 2) The collaborative learning process, integrating WPCES activities with cultural art activity sets to enhance crucial competencies in Grade 6 students, comprised five stages: Warm-up (W), Plan (P), Cooperative learning (C), Evaluation (E), and Show (S). The overall appropriateness, accuracy, feasibility, and utility of the process were rated at the highest level; 3) The results of enhancing students' crucial competencies through the collaborative learning process, which incorporated WPCES activities and cultural art activity sets, indicated marked improvement across various domains including communication, critical thinking, problem-solving, life skills, and technology utilization. The competencies demonstrated a higher level of achievement, reaching 100 percent; and 4) The evaluation of the collaborative learning process employing WPCES activities in conjunction with cultural art activity sets to enhance key competencies, as assessed by stakeholders including students and parents, reflected a high level of satisfaction.
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