Influence of Innovation on Repurchase Intention of Beverage and Health Food among Customers in Thailand

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Supaporn Prajongjai
Tanapol Kortana
Chompoo Saisama


 This research aims 1) to study the level of variables innovation, perceived value, trust and repeat purchase intention of consumers of beverages and healthy food in Thailand. 2) To study the innovation factors, value perception and trust that influences repeat purchase intentions of consumers of beverages and health food in Thailand. to study 1) the level of value perception of innovation variables. Trust and repeat purchase intention of consumers of health drinks and food in Thailand. 2)  The factors of innovation and value perception trust that influences consumers' repeat purchase intention and 3) to develop a repeat purchase intention model for consumers of beverages and health food in Thailand. The sample group consists of 280 consumers of healthy beverages and food in Thailand. The research instrument is a questionnaire created by estimating (Rating Scale) 5 levels. The data is analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling: SEM) and to confirm consistency with the results of the quantitative research analysis, the researcher conducts a qualitative research study by selecting a purposive sample to conduct a focus group with 17 key informants. The research results find that the structural equation model is in harmony with the empirical data, with a Chi-square () =111.790, df = 58, CMIN/DF (/df) = 1.927, GFI =.962, CFI =.987, AGFI =.932, NFI =.973, and RMSEA =.048. The results of the analysis passed the standard criteria, so it can be concluded that the level of innovation variables perception of value Trust has a positive influence on the repeat purchase intentions of consumers of beverages and health food in Thailand. Entrepreneurs can use innovation factors plus product development adjustments to improve business performance in an era of rapidly changing society. As well as strategically changing consumer consumption patterns to help create value for customers and the organization.


          Innovativeness, Repurchase intention, Perceive value, Trust, Beverage and Health Food

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Research Article


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