A Study of Motivation, Job Satisfaction and Teamwork Affecting Coffee Shop Quality of Working Life of Employees in Nakhon Pathom Area

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Rungaroon Klamsri
Suthinan Pomsuwan
Athit Santikarn
Cholavit Komenkul


The objectives of this research were to: 1) investigate the influence of motivation factors on the quality of working life of employees in a coffee shop in the Nakhon Pathom area; 2) examine the impact of job satisfaction factors on the quality of working life of employees in a coffee shop in the Nakhon Pathom area; 3) explore the influence of teamwork factors on the quality of working life of employees in a coffee shop in the Nakhon Pathom area. The research sample consisted of 200 employees from a coffee shop located in the Nakhon Pathom area, selecting using accidental sampling methods. Data collection was facilitated through a questionnaire distributed via Google Form. Statistical analysis techniques, including descriptive statistics such as percentages, means, and standard deviations, as well as inferential statistics such as multiple regression analysis, were employed. The research findings found that 1) motivation factor had an impact of 80.4 in terms of expectancy, instrumentality, and work attitude, which had a statistically significant effect on the quality of working life at the level of 0.05; 2) work satisfaction had an impact of 77.8 in terms of the nature of the job and salary and benefits, which had a statistically significant effect on the quality of working life at the level of 0.05; and 3) teamwork factors had an impact of 76.1 in terms of workplace environment and problem-solving, which had a statistically significant effect on the quality of working life of employees in coffee shops in the Nakhon Pathom area at the level of 0.05.

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