Burned area extraction using multitemporal difference of spectral indices from Landsat 8 data: A case study of Khlong Wang Chao, Klong Lan and Mae Wong National Park

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สุภาสพงษ์ รู้ทำนอง


This study aimed to extract and evaluate burned areas in three national parks included

Khlong Wang Chao, Khlong Lan and Mae Wong National Park in year 2016 and 2017. Using multitemporal difference of spectral indices method based on the Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS data application and validate of those burned area results. The process consists of (1) prepare and import of satellite data by Burned Area Mapping Software (BAMS), (2) extract burned area using multitemporal difference of spectral indices method, (3) evaluate burned area in each park with Geographic Information System (GIS), and (4) analyzed the accuracy of results with visual analysis reference points. The results showed that 5 equations of indices include Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), Burned Area Index Modified (BAIM), Global Environment Monitoring Index (GEMI), Normalized Burn Ratio (NBR), and Mid-Infrared Burned Index (MIRBI) and the difference of spectral indices as pre-fire date and post-fire date, can be used to set threshold values for burned areas classifying both small and large patches. The assessment of burned areas in Khlong Wang Chao, Khlong Lan and Mae Wong National Park found that burned area in 2016 were 24.44 km2, 11.48 km2, 24.08 km2, in the same way in 2017 were 12.49 km2, 6.97 km2, 5.84 km2, respectively. The accuracy assessment of burned areas in three national parks of both years compared with 203 reference points. The analysis found that overall accuracy were 96.06% and 96.55% and kappa hat coefficients were 0.85 and 0.87, respectively.

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