A Causal Model of Transformational Leadership, Psychological Meaningfulness, Work Role Fit, Mediated by Meaning of Work, Affecting Work Engagement of Private School Teachers

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ประพิมพร อันพาพรหม
วิสุทธิ์ วิจิตรพัชราภรณ์
อัจฉรา นิยมาภา
สุพจน์ เกิดสุวรรณ์


The purposes of this study were to: 1) study transformational leadership, psychological meaningfulness, work role fit, meaning of work, and work engagement of private school teachers; and 2) develop and testify the concordance of a causal model of transformational leadership, psychological meaningfulness, work role fit, mediated by meaning of work, affecting work engagement of these teachers. A sample of 300 was selected from the private school teachers, by means of multi-stage random sampling method.  The data were collected using a questionnaire constructed by the researcher.  Questionnaire copies of 280, or 93.33 per cent were returned and usable.  The statistics used in data analysis were descriptive statistics, correlation coefficient analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and structural equation model analysis. The findings revealed as follows.  1) Transformational leadership, psychological meaningfulness, work role fit, meaning of work, and work engagement of private school teachers were all rated at the high level.  2) The developed causal model was consistent with the empirical data by considering on Chi-square = 58.15, P = 0.51, df= 59, Chi=square/df= 0.99, GFI = 0.97, AGFI = 0.95, standardize RMR = 0.009 and RMSEA = 0.000

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