The Model of the Academic Administration to Improve the Quality of Students by following the Buddhism Way of Life and Waldorf Education for the Elementary Schools attached to the Office of the Basic Education Commission

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วิชาญ ใจเถิง
ภาคิน ธราธรศิริ
สุชาติ ลี้ตระกูล
พูนชัย ยาวิราช


The purpose of this study were to 1) to  study the  Model of the Academic Administration to improve the quality of  students by following the Buddhism way of life  and Waldorf Education  for the elementary schools attached to the Office of the Basic Education Commission.  2)  to develop the  Model of the Academic Administration to improve the quality of  students by following the Buddhism way of life  and Waldorf Education  for the elementary schools attached to the Office of the Basic Education Commission.  The Research Methods used in this research were divided into 5 steps: Step 1 To study related body of  knowledge of the  models.  Step 2 To develop  the model. Step 3 To evaluate the model. Step 4 To try out the  model, and Step 5. To improve  and  present  the  model.  The  research findings revealed  that : 1. The Results of the  study related  knowledge of  models  from   4  target  schools  including The Baan Mae Jong School,  Baan Cherng Doy  School (Doy Saket Suksa), Anubarn Fahkwuang Waldorf Chiang Mai School,  and Baan Huay Ma Kaeng School.  2.  The Results of the development of the model  include 4 elements : 1)  the principle and the importance of the model. 2) the objectives of the model 3) academic administration which using the  system approach : input, process and output 4)  the trend of leading the model  in using.  3. The  result of the evaluation of the model. 1 ) The   teachers’ opinions towards the  model were :  the teachers  feels better with the model , and they also thought that to develop  the learning process  under the living happiness atmosphere. This situations could change the students both in themselves and the relationship with their colleagues.  The target students satisfied in learning by the model. They agreed that this model of learning had  more fun and  they  also  felt  loving  others  more than they used to be. 2) The adoption  of the  teachers who used  the model in teaching   found  that this model was  appropriate in using in general schools.  3 ) The content of the model  :  the  teachers who used the model had  their opinion that  the content  of the model was clear. However they suggested that  there should have more  example of lesson plan  to help teachers  in manage the students  learning process.  4. The results after trying out the model showed that 1 ) The quality of the students after the experiment was higher them before the experiment significantly at the statistical level of .01 which consistent with the qualitative data collected  from the teachers and parents’ opinion of the experimental group commented that the quality of sampling students in 4 parts ; Physical Intelligence, Social Intelligence, Emotional Intelligence and Intelligence Quotient were better than they used to be.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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