The Model of Non-formal Education System of Ban Nong Mae Taeng School (Thammasart-ASA) under Kamphaengphet Primary Educational Service Area Office 1

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สุบัน พรเวียง


The objective of the study was to develop the model of non-formal education system in school of Ban Mae Taeng School (Thammasart-asa) under Kamphaengphet Primary Educational Service Area Office 1. The research methodology consisted of 4 steps e.g. 1) studying the problem, need and guideline of model of non-formal education system in school 2) constructing the model of non-formal education system in school e.g. drafting the model of non-formal education system in school 3) trying out the model of non-formal education system in school 4) evaluating the model of non-formal education system in school. Mean, standard deviation and content analysis were employed in the study. The findings were as follows;  1. The result of the problem, need and guideline of model of non-formal education system in school found that the important problems were e.g. Ban Mae Taeng School did not have the clear goals, promotion and participation of other parts.  The information management of non-formal education system was not updated, the evaluation, follow up did not operate continuously and the result of the assessment was not employed. The result of the need of non-formal education system in school of Ban Mae Taeng School (Thammasart-asa) revealed that Ban Mae Taeng School (Thammasart-asa) should set the aim and guideline of non-formal education system apparently, promote the participation with other parts, develop the information, guideline, and evaluation clearly.  The school required the participation from every part and the support for sufficient budget.  2. The result of constructing the model of non-formal education system in school found that the model of non-formal education system in school consisted of 4 components e.g. 1. Input aspect; 3 sub-components 1) the school board of non-formal education system in school 2) curricular documents such as non-formal education system curriculum 3) students tending to drop out 2. Procedural aspect consisted of 2 sub-components 1) PDCA e.g. planning, doing, checking, acting and participating 2) Learning management e.g. learning by yourself, learning by  doing, learning by group process, learning by project, learning by Thai wisdom 3. Output aspect consisted of 2 sub-components 1) education opportunity e.g. zero drop out 2) education quality e.g. learning skill, life skill and work skill 4. Achievement condition; the result of the suitability of the model of non-formal education system in school found that it was the most suitable and possible.      3. The result of trying out the model of non-formal education system in school found that 1) the operation based on the model of non-formal education system in school; input aspect, procedural aspect, output aspect and achievement condition were at a high level 2) the output of management of non-formal education system in school e.g. the number of the students tending to drop out in academic year 2011, 2012 and 2013 was zero.  The education quality found that the students’ learning skill, life skill and work skill were better at 31.55 %.  4. The result of evaluating the model of non-formal education system in school found that the employed model was beneficial and precise at the highest level and the related people for the management of non-formal education system in school were satisfied at the highest level.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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