A Study of Learning Achievement on Art by Imagination and Creative Thinking of Prathomsuksa 4 Students using 4 MAT Approachand Brain Gym

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ดวงกมล คงฤทธิ์
สมบูรณ์ ตันยะ


The purposes of this research were to study  Grade 4 students’ learning achievement on art by imagination using 4MAT approach and brain gym, compare their learning achievement using the pre- and post-tests, compare their learning achievement with the 70% criterion, study their creative thinking, and compare their creative thinking before and after using the approach. The subjects were 43 Grade 4 students in the second semester of the academic year 2013 of Chumchonkhongwitthaya School, Khong District, under the Office of Nakhon Ratchasima Educational Service Area Zone 6. The tools consisted of 3-hour 5lesson plans (altogether 15 hrs) in Art subject, 30 items of  a multiple- choice test, one subjective test, and one creative thinking test. The data were analyzed by the means, percentage, standard deviation (S.D.) and t-test. The results showed that their learning achievement was 50.95 out of 75 points (67.94%) with S.D. of 6.35. The means of the post-test was 57.70 out of 75 points (77.17%) with S.D. of 6.71, which was 9.18 higher, and it was higher than before the intervention with statistical significance at .05 levels. In addition, it was higher than the overall figure by 70% criterion with statistical significance at .05 levels. Their creative thinking mean score was 77.72 out of 130 (59.78%) with S.D. of 11.04 before the course intervention, compared with the post course mean score of 88.21 out of 130 (67.85%) with S.D. of 12.88, which was10.49 (8.06%) higher. Therefore, their creative thinking significantly increased with statistical significance at .05 levels.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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