Model of Fair Tourism Management: Case Study of Wangphrathat Temple, Tritrung Sub District, Muang District, Kamphaeng Phet Province

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รัชนีวรรณ บุญอนนท์


The purposes of this research were 1) to study the tourism management models of Wangphrathat Temple, 2) to study the opinions of people who were involved in the tourism management models towards the fair tourism management of Wangphrathat Temple and, 3) to create fair tourism management models of Wangphrathat Temple. The data were collected using questionnaires received from 400 tourists, in-depth interviews with 15 participant of relevant parties, sub interviews and group discussions with 17 participants  who were involved in tourism in Wangphrathat Temple. The data were analyzed using frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and content analysis. The research findings were as follows: it was discovered that the overall quality of these models of Wangphrathat Temple was at a moderate level. The opinions of people who were involved in tourism towards the fair tourism management of Wangphrathat Temple found that the models should be managed by joint efforts between the local community, the district organization, and the temple itself. It was found that the most suitable model is “Nakorn Tritrung Model”.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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