The concept of Active learning in the 21st Century: Who is active and what is considered as ‘’active’’ in Active learning?

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Anchunda Henry Yuh
Wichian Thamrongsotthisakul


Active learning is an unavoidable approach to teaching and learning in the 21st century. It gives learners an opportunity to actively participate in the learning process in order to attain the stated learning objectives. The purpose of teaching and learning is to enable the learners to understand the concepts and subject matter as well as develop specifically required skills. Effective understanding and development of skills will come from active participation as well as collaboration of learners in planning and participating in the learning process. Learners understand better when they actively and collaboratively participate in planning and developing their own knowledge. During active learning, the teachers is actively active as a facilitator, coacher, and scaffolder as well as bringing in different and new methods that will maximize learning in learners. Learners must be active at all levels and in all spheres; that is; physically active, intellectually active, socially as well as emotionally active.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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