Preparation for aging society

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Klit Kiattiyan
Tanastha Rojanatrakul


The purpose of this research to study the Preparation for aging society in which the study use the method of education by reviewing the literature related to the preparation for aging society. For the elderly to prepare before entering the aging society. The result of the research showed that government agencies and all sectors of society must have a process of participation and cooperation in preparing to enter the aging society. The most important thing to prepare is the elderly person, which can be summarized as follows: 1) Physical health, the elderly need to take good care of themselves and be attentive while coping with the deterioration of the body that will occur in the illness Therefore, the elderly want to exercise, check the health and take care of food and nutrition. 2) Financial and asset, the financial planning is very necessary Because the elderly have less work resulting in lower incomes as well or may be lacking in income. Therefore, the elderly must plan the income and expense budget after retirement Cost savings and Preparation of reserve funds. 3) High residential, the elderly need to improve their housing to suit the living in the late sculptor, Including plan to choose people to live together to avoid neglect. And 4) In terms of Post-retirement work, the elderly should participate in the recreation activities, volunteer activities or paid work.

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บทความทางวิชาการ (Academic article)


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