Social Capital and Donations during the COVID-19 Pandemic Lockdowns

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Kanokwara Phuangprayong


The objectives of this study were to 1) describe social capital and donation levels; and
2) explore factors influencing donations during Novel Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic lockdowns. Quantitative research was done with data collected by online questionnaire. 1,200 samples were Bangkok residents over age 20. Data was analyzed by descriptive statistics and multiple regression analysis (enter method). Results were that during the pandemic lockdown in Bangkok, samples were displaying high levels of micro and macro-level social capital as well as donation behavior. Samples primarily donated to communities, hospitals, and acquaintances, in decreasing order of significance, at an average individual amount of 2,486.42 baht. In addition, population factors included religion, highest educational level, and pandemic lockdown-related stress, micro-level social capital factors included public consciousness, mutual societal trust, social network participation and macro-level social capital factors included social institutional norms and cultivation as well as faith or religious belief influenced donations at a statistical significance of .05. These findings suggest that relevant sectors should promote the role of strong social capital to build societal immunity at times of crisis.

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