Development Strategy for Farmer Rehabilitation and Development Fund Management According to Good Governance of the provincial branch office in the Northeast
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The objectives of this research ware to study the problem, needs necessary and determine the strategy Development for the management of the Farmers Rehabilitation and Development Fund according to the principles of good governance; of the provincial branch office in the Northeast, Carried out in 2 phases. Phase 1 Step 1: The key informants of 15 people. Tools used a semi-structured interview content analysis. Step 2: Sample group of 394 peoples, tools used the questionnaire. Analysis of frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and priority need index. Summary. Phase 2 Step 1: Data were analyzed using SWOT Analysis technique. Step 2: the target group 30 peoples, Tools used the feasibility and feasibility assessment form. Analyze data using frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. The research results showed that: 1. the problem and needs necessary for the management of the Farmers Rehabilitation and Development Fund according to the principles of good governance; of the provincial branch office in the Northeast Including Rule of Law, Morality, Transparency, Participation, Accountability, Value for money and Responsiveness. The needs necessary Ordered from highest to lowest as follows: 1) Value aspect 2) Rule of law 3) Morality 4) Participation 5) Responsiveness 6) Transparency and 7) Accountability. 2. The strategy Development for the management of the Farmers Rehabilitation and Development Fund according to the principles of good governance; of the provincial branch office in the Northeast consists of 7 strategies as follows: 1) Value aspect 2) Rule of law 3) Morality 4) Participation 5) Responsiveness 6) Transparency and 7) Accountability. When confirming the strategy, it was found that Overall and each aspect with an average of higher than 3.51 is considered to pass the assessment criteria. Appropriate Can be put into practice.
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